Donor Spotlight: Jane Abercrombie
Thinking about donating to NWBR? In an effort to share personal experiences, we have created a spotlight series featuring volunteers, adopters and donors! We hopethese interviews give you a broader picture of what your part would be should you become a family member of NWBR. Donor: Jane Abercrombie

NWBR: Thank you for being a part of our new spotlight program. You are a loyal donor to NWBR, for that we are beyond grateful. What is your history with the breed? Jane: Boxers have been a mainstay of my life for many, many years. I was 8 years old when I saw my dad driving in our driveway with a dog in the back seat of our 1965 Chevy Impala. It was a Boxer and my love affair with them began at that moment. I'll be 60 in 9 days and I've had a Boxer in my life every day since I was 8 years old, with the exception of about 3 months. I have two Boxers now. I rescued Parker (brindle) August of 2005 from North Idaho Boxer Rescue. He is 11.5 years. I rescued Lucy (fawn) from Yakima in October 2007. She is either 9 or 10… not sure. She was 43 pounds when she was dumped in the streets of Yakima. She is 70 pounds now. She is my sweetie and my protector. I've rescued all my Boxers, with the exception of one, Abigail, who I bought as a baby. I've rescued from many different Boxer rescue groups….. and if they weren't from a rescue organization, they managed to find their way to me through whatever means.

NWBR: How did you come to support NWBR? Jane: I was in Port Townsend and I saw a family with a beautiful Boxer. Of course, I had to stop them on the street to say hello. I can't think of the gal's name, but she was a volunteer for NWBR and they were foster parents, until the Boxer they had with them, trapped their hearts and became their own. That's when I became involved with NWBR and started to donate. I also signed up to be a volunteer, but my crazy, busy life has not allowed me the time to commit to volunteer activities. The least I could do was provide funds to help. NWBR: What a wonderful way to look at it and we understand, not everyone can foster or adopt but they might be able to spare some funds as their part in helping. We have so very many dogs in need, without yourself and others we couldn't help them as we do, or maybe not at all.
Jane: I have thought about being a foster parent, but I don't think I have it in me. I'd want to keep them all. I actually submitted my adoption application to NWBR yesterday. I'm trying to prepare for my Parker's departure.. he's had some very serious health issues these last 6 weeks... Lucy will be devastated without well as me.

NWBR: Oh, that's so sad to think about. You have clearly been through this before but it never makes it easier. Our thoughts are with you. Re being a foster? We lovingly call that a 'foster failure', when a foster parent/family falls for their pup and adopts the dog themselves. It's happened quite often AND they go on to foster more dogs. In the end, if one does become a 'foster failure' you have given of yourself to those who have no voice and need you. In return they give you their hearts and it's a win win.
It's a common, worn out saying but here it is, 'we can not thank you enough for your support'.
In future spotlights we will be sharing information on different aspects of the organization, the various costs and different types of work. Most of all we want our donors, and those thinking of donating, to have a better understanding of how well your funds are spent and in the end a closer relationship to those you have charged to care for the breed via your support. I watch the dogs pour into our rescue weekly and know there would be no way to help them without Hoomans such as yourself.

Jane: I feel so important! NWBR: You have nooo idea! If you would like help Boxers in need, take a look at our various projects in need of funding. Thank you Jane and all of our supporters!